Flying taxis are coming

Joby Aviation Inc. is set to establish a facility for manufacturing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. This marks a significant leap in aviation innovation (@bruce does it?) and offers fertile ground for entrepreneurial exploration.

:thinking: Conversation Starters:
What are your thoughts on how this venture could lead to broader community benefits and entrepreneurial opportunities?

Could this open the door for more entrepreneurial initiatives in connected sectors like charging infrastructure or navigation systems?

The announcement that Joby Aviation will build hundreds of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft in Ohio signals the growing mainstream adoption of this new transportation technology. As a country with heavy road congestion in urban areas, the Philippines could similarly benefit from the deployment of eVTOL passenger aircraft. If companies brought air taxi services to Manila, Cebu, and other major cities, it could provide an innovative transportation alternative to avoid gridlocked roads. eVTOL aircraft could connect rooftops, ports, and small airports across the metro. However, regulations would need to be developed to integrate these aircraft safely into Philippine airspace. Additionally, infrastructure like charging stations and vertiports would need to be built, an opportunity to create more work for the locals . If these challenges can be addressed, eVTOL passenger aircraft may offer the Philippines a new option for urban mobility in the coming decade. hoping to take a ride one day, :star_struck:

Time to plan for CompassAir IoT @emily :eyes:

My new favorite topic :innocent: because of :laughing:

Let’s be realistic, it’s still a long way away. Hundreds of startups working on variations of VTOLs and STOLs, but the regulation is still lacking. @bruce would know more indeed

Between autonomous cars, drone deliveries and flying cars, there indeed lots of entrepreneurial opportunities in motion :sunglasses:

From Filipino Perspective, I agree. However, we won’t see fleets of air taxis in widespread use for some time, but he momentum and investment in urban air mobility can’t be ignored. It may seem ambitious now, but so did the timelines for autonomous vehicles just a few years ago. Focused effort on technology, regulation, and infrastructure planning could make urban air mobility a transformational reality. Our openness and willingness to ride the wind of change today matters… change is now knocking at our door.