How Tech Innovations are Reshaping the Labor Landscape: Are We Ready for the Transition? 🤖

The “Summer of Strikes” is shaking up industries far and wide, with workers and unions voicing their concerns over the looming specter of automation and artificial intelligence. Just this week, U.A.W. (United Automobile Workers) initiated a targeted strike against Detroit’s top automakers, insisting that employees involved in making electric vehicle components be under union contracts. :hammer_and_wrench:

The undercurrent of anxiety is palpable. It’s not just about fighting for a wage hike but about job security in a world rapidly adopting new tech. Even unions have found seats at high-level tech discussions, marking their growing influence on technological futures. These concerns extend to creative fields as well, where unions like Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA are apprehensive about A.I. tools potentially replacing human creativity. :performing_arts:

So, how do we, as entrepreneurs passionate about tech, approach this dilemma? How do we marry innovation with ethical considerations for labor? And if you’ve faced a similar situation in your ventures, how have you navigated it?

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Entrepreneurs should take a human-centric approach that prioritizes worker dignity, sharing prosperity, and empowering people to adapt through upskilling and strong social safety nets. By investing in their existing workforces, advocating for protective policies, promoting collective bargaining, upholding ethical AI principles, and spotlighting inspiring adaptation stories, business leaders can ensure technology elevates workers and society. The goal must be shaping progress that cares for vulnerable groups, listens to multi-stakeholder input, and steers disruptive innovations toward broadly shared prosperity. Technological change should improve lives at all levels if entrepreneurs lead with wisdom, compassion and foresight. The idea of looking after each other in Guild Community can create new atmosphere that would impact our work places.

I’m not an entrepreneur who’s passionate about tech, so I can’t comment on that hahaha but as a copywriter who’s passionate about the creative industry, I can say that I wish entrepreneurs who are passionate (or people in general really) about tech would have more empathy on creatives and those who feel somewhat threatened by AI and tech.

I’ve been told by people who love tech to “embrace change”. They’d say things along the lines of “well if you don’t feel comfortable about the development, then that’s ‘your’ problem”. And they’d see these strikes as simply people feeling uncomfortable about change. And maybe so. I’m not saying I fully agree with them too. But I get why it feels scary when technology seems to be able to 100% replace the skillsets that you’ve loved and honed all your life and made a living out of it. (I don’t believe that AI can ever fully replace humans, but that’s another convo :slight_smile: )

So in the case of us creatives, I wish people would show more empathy and understanding, and from there dive into more conversations and collaborations to think about how we creatives can still create and make a living from our craft with AI as a part of that world. I believe there’s a way, it’s just sometimes it gets discouraging when your work doesn’t directly ride on the AI wave.

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As a Filipino, I have mixed feelings about the rise of AI art generators. On one hand, I’m excited by the new creative possibilities that could come from collaborating with AI. Filipino artists have always been innovative and adaptive, and I’m optimistic we could integrate these tools into our cultural expressions in fresh ways. However, I also sympathize with the concerns about AI threatening livelihoods. The Philippines has many talented visual artists, and art is an important part of our economy. Ensuring human artists can still thrive alongside AI will require forethought and care from tech companies and policymakers. I believe with compassion and open-mindedness, we can find a way for technology and people to co-create a future that enriches Filipino culture rather than disrupting it. The key is encouraging collaboration rather than competition between human creativity and AI capabilities. Our art reflects our humanity - if we embrace AI as a partner rather than a replacement, it can elevate that humanity rather than erase it. Guild Community helps me learn to balance Human creativity and AI capabilities.

A really good point @levinakdj! So much of tech-entrepreneurship is riding hype-cycles which all have their busts and booms. Very important to remember that the majority of entrepreneurship isn’t this.

Love this!

I’d also add that when photography was invented artists were up in arms and everyone thought it was the death of art but it wasn’t. Claude Monet and other impressionist artists came out of this transition and I think the same thing will happen now, AI will change things but we still have art hanging on our walls not everything is a photograph.

The exciting question is what is today’s version of impressionist art? Who is going to lead that movement? I personally believe we have only begun to scratch the surface of human creativity and that AI will unlock a whole new world of possibility.

That’s Paul’s image!

Amazing how Technology brings out something interesting…

The next development in this story,

# Hollywood Studios Can Train AI Models on Writers’ Work Under Tentative Deal

Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing?

@ajen010 I can’t tell if you are joking or not, but I am quite certain Paul did not make this image. It does seem to be a meme to claim you made this image though so I am not sure if you are playing on that?

This does raise a really important point about authorship and identity!

Every Discovery is an opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs, Rather than seeing AI art as a threat, human artists can embrace it as a new tool and opportunity. Human artists can use AI tools to experiment with ideas faster, collaborate across disciplines, and expand their creative output and market reach. But they should also showcase the unique emotional resonance, imperfection and contextual understanding that human art offers. Exhibitions and competitions specifically highlighting human-made art can remind audiences of this value. Artists can also be at the forefront of pushing for ethical AI art - proper attribution, responsibility and truthful marketing. Additionally, human artists can use their voices to advocate for policies that protect intellectual property and prevent exploitation of AI art. With an open, ethical and proactive approach, human creativity will continue thriving alongside AI.