Hi there,
I am looking for someone who might be studying animatronics at uni or TAFE and looking for a small project to sink their teeth into.
It will be a modest paying job but rewarding and a great opportunity to test drive and apply their learning.
Anyone interested or willing to offer some ideas?
What sort of project would you like them to do? Also, depending on what the project is, have you investigated how far you can get in achieving it when using Claude Opus? (Introducing the next generation of Claude \ Anthropic)
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You could use www.ribit.net. It’s a free platform to find students especially looking for project, casual work
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I don’t know any animatronics people but maybe @Eric will?
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Everyone I knew graduated a long time ago and they weren’t very good TBH…
I second Simon’s suggestion ahah, AI is better than q student … Or you need a student who knows how to use AI
Thanks Simon, ill check it out.