(about me) (bruce tulloch) (guild steward)

(me) see LinkedIn for the usual garb (commercial) I am a founder of multiple businesses, an investor in some others, and sponsor/mentor of some start-ups and their founders. They are all somehow computational and/or deep tech related and/or politicially or socially motivated. One of them even managed to score an award (community) I have kicked the arse of Government to get a bunch of schools built, co-founded a media/tech incubator (the area of technology passion for me) and relevantly here, helped from an early stage in the development of the Guild of Entrepreneurs (motivation) change making, especially at a systemic, social and political level. I have been an active advocate to improve education. I am politically active, driving for change I think necessary. I will engage anyone on the issues who is willing to do the same. I believe in effective collaboration focused on common purpose is the key to prosperity and happiness (mission) to leave the world, and all of us who live here, in a better state than I found it. We are living through a paradigm shift as big as any before it in human history. I seek like minds with whom to make change and different minds from whom I might learn how to do it better. Thatā€™s why I believe in, engage with and advocate for the mission of the Guild of Entrepreneurs.


Great synopsis Bruce! Who in the words of many ā€œis a living legend of the Australian startup sceneā€

This stood out for me as I am currently facing the same endeavour but Iā€™d put it more starkly as ā€˜rethinking education from the ground upā€™. What you said to me a few months ago is still ringing in my ears. Something to the effect of 'there will only be three reasons for education in the near future, entrepreneurship, trades not yet automated and the exploration of why (theology and philosophy). The more I think about it the more I think you are right. Has your view changed (or perhaps I mis-captured it to begin with?)

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(future of work) (automation proof roles)

Not a bad representation, but not quite. Work that will survive AI and automation are those fall into one or more of three broad categories of human endeavour; creativity, relationships and meaning. They overlap a lot but one thing they have in common is the ā€œhuman elementā€ that (I think) is hard to replace.

Specifically (creativity) entrepreneurship for sure, but also the arts, design, entertainment etc. work that relies on imagination, human expression, problem solving etc (relationships) work that require ā€œhuman skillsā€ like social/emotional intelligence, empathy, such as counselling, aged and health care, education but also those relying on more direct personal relationships like sales, marketing, bulls*&ting, hairdressing, fitness training, many of which are at the moment considered ā€œtradesā€ but a very specific form of trade, those that cannot easily be automated by AI or robotics, not yet anyway, and (meaning) jobs that give or inspire purpose such as those you suggest, but also intellectual pursuits, the academe, research etc and more mundane ones like politics.

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What is your take on this @SimonBiggs?

(small point of clarity @bruce I was talking about education as opposed to work directly but yes they are deeply linked)

Indeed they are, with one caveat/question: should education be vocationally motivated? Given our discussions apropos (future of work) Iā€™m having some doubts :wink:

To let my bias shine through, I agree entirely and am of the Newman camp on this question.


ā€œI have said that all branches of knowledge are connected together, because the subject-matter of knowledge is intimately united in itself, as being the acts and the work of the Creator. Hence it is that the Sciences, into which our knowledge may be said to be cast, have multiplied bearings one on another, and an internal sympathy, and admit, or rather demand, comparison and adjustment. They complete, correct, balance each other.ā€ From Discourse 5. Knowledge its Own End

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