(the guild library) (about)

(collective) (knowledge base) (for our community)

  • (the guild library)
    • (curated space)
      • (share) (insights) (ideas) (lessons)
    • (single source of truth)
      • (persistent) (local and external) (linked)
    • (curation criteria)
      • (relevance) (provenance) (timeliness) (popularity)
      • (not a news feed) (high signal-to-noise ratio)
    • (content recommendations)
      • (practical advice)
      • (key learnings)
      • (actionable tips)
      • (emergent ideas)
      • (frameworks)
      • (case studies)
        • (funding)
        • (marketing)
        • (product development)
        • (leadership) (team building)
        • (etc etc)
    • (interaction with the library)
      • (reading topics)
      • (searching topics)
      • (comment for)
        • (correction)
        • (enhancement)
        • (suggestions)
    • (new topics)
      • (start elsewhere)
      • (tagging with ‘library’)
        • (for topic persistence)
        • (possible inclusion in library)

Welcome to the guild library, a collective knowledge base for our entrepreneurial community.
It is a curated space to share insights, ideas, and lessons learned on our entrepreneurial journey.

It is intended to be the “single source of truth“ for information we wish to share, on a persistent basis, within the guild. Regardless of where the information actually resides, links to other locations are fine, the library is the place we will all go to find it.

It is curated so it will be updated, as relevance, timeliness, popularity and provenance dictate.
It is not a “news feed”. The goal is to keep it concise and relevant, as a library, for all of us.
That is, we want to keep the “signal-to-noise ratio“ as high as possible here.

Topics in the library should contain practical advice, key learnings, actionable tips and ideas, frameworks, or case studies on funding, marketing, product development, leadership, team building etc. you know the drill.

The recommended way to interact with it, is to read or search topics in the library, and comment on them to correct, enhance or suggest improvements.

If you want to create a new topic, start it elsewhere in Discourse and tag it “library”.
That way it will persist, in the location you have created it, but it may also become part of the library (as a reference) if enough people find it relevant.

@alex @SimonBiggs a proposal, as the pinned post, for the library as a category. (bruce)

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LGTM :slight_smile: